Name * First Name Last Name Job Title Email * Business Name Business Website In what capacity did you work with Rachel ? * 1:1 Hourly Consulting Group Workshop Strategy Kickstarter - Half/Full Day Monthly Strategy Support Full Strategic Growth Plan & Implementation Support What were the 'pain points' your business was experiencing before you came to our workshop, consulting session, or worked with Rachel monthly? * What did you find as a result of working with Rachel? * What did you like most about our workshop or consulting session? * What would you say to anyone considering working with Rachel and would you recommend it? If so, why? * Is there anything you’d like to add? Anything that can be approved on? Would you be comfortable with me sharing your responses publicly on my website and social media channels? * Yes No I really can’t thank you enough for your time filling this out! Sending over a big virtual hug. -Rachel x Client Testimonial Form